

Términos Nuevos Wireless: Es un término utilizado para describir las telecomunicaciones, las cuales llevan la señal a través de ondas electromagnéticas. Conmutación: Acción de establecer una vía, un camino de extremo entre dos puntos. En redes es el router. Banda Ancha: Alta velocidad de las conexiones. LAN: Red de Área Local. MAN: Red de Área Metropolitana. WAN: Red de Área Amplia. Red Inalámbrica: Designa a la conexión de nodos que es da por medio de ondas electromagnéticas. Proveedores: Que provee o abstece a otra persona internet.

The best player!

LIONEL MESSI 🌟10🌟 source:  https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=962483&lang=Spanish Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini is an Argentine football player. He was born on June 24th, 1987 in the city of Ro s ario, Argentina . He started playing from a very young age in his hometown, he was enrolled in Newell's Old Boys where he played until he was 12 years old.  His magic with the ball  led him to be a player of the lower categories of FC Barcelona , where he made his professional debut on October 16, 2004 in a match against R.C.D. Españo l. Lío Messi is the captain of FC Barcelona and he is  the captain of the selection national of Argentina.  Lio Messi is considered today as the best player in the world for his incredible game with the ball, also is an player ambitious who always seeks to win every game. It is known as " La Pulga ".      source:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJe4lgCeMrk Lio has achieved during his career, many awards and recogn